Security reports for 0x77ad…8bf3
Pakala scan
No Pakala scan found. We don't scan contracts with no Ether balance as it wouldn't find anything anyway.
Mythril scan
Severity | Title | Description | Function |
Low | Dependence on predictable environment variable | A control flow decision is made based on a predictable variable. The block.timestamp environment variable is used in to determine a control flow decision. Note that the values of variables like coinbase, gaslimit, block number and timestamp are predictable and can be manipulated by a malicious miner. Also keep in mind that attackers know hashes of earlier blocks. Don't use any of those environment variables for random number generation or to make critical control flow decisions. | _function_0x0b52d558 |
Low | Multiple Calls in a Single Transaction | Multiple calls are executed in the same transaction. This call is executed after a previous call in the same transaction. Try to isolate each call, transfer or send into its own transaction. | _function_0xe655dbd8 |
Low | Dependence on predictable environment variable | A control flow decision is made based on a predictable variable. The block.timestamp environment variable is used in to determine a control flow decision. Note that the values of variables like coinbase, gaslimit, block number and timestamp are predictable and can be manipulated by a malicious miner. Also keep in mind that attackers know hashes of earlier blocks. Don't use any of those environment variables for random number generation or to make critical control flow decisions. | _function_0x386497fd |