Code for 0xd199…38b3 (ContractRegistry)
Since block 5742824
Verified contract
- /**
- *Submitted for verification at on 2018-06-06
- */
- pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
- /*
- Owned contract interface
- */
- contract IOwned {
- // this function isn't abstract since the compiler emits automatically generated getter functions as external
- function owner() public view returns (address) {}
- function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public;
- function acceptOwnership() public;
- }
- /*
- Provides support and utilities for contract ownership
- */
- contract Owned is IOwned {
- address public owner;
- address public newOwner;
- event OwnerUpdate(address indexed _prevOwner, address indexed _newOwner);
- /**
- @dev constructor
- */
- function Owned() public {
- owner = msg.sender;
- }
- // allows execution by the owner only
- modifier ownerOnly {
- assert(msg.sender == owner);
- _;
- }
- /**
- @dev allows transferring the contract ownership
- the new owner still needs to accept the transfer
- can only be called by the contract owner
- @param _newOwner new contract owner
- */
- function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public ownerOnly {
- require(_newOwner != owner);
- newOwner = _newOwner;
- }
- /**
- @dev used by a new owner to accept an ownership transfer
- */
- function acceptOwnership() public {
- require(msg.sender == newOwner);
- emit OwnerUpdate(owner, newOwner);
- owner = newOwner;
- newOwner = address(0);
- }
- }
- /*
- Contract Registry interface
- */
- contract IContractRegistry {
- function getAddress(bytes32 _contractName) public view returns (address);
- }
- /**
- Contract Registry
- The contract registry keeps contract addresses by name.
- The owner can update contract addresses so that a contract name always points to the latest version
- of the given contract.
- Other contracts can query the registry to get updated addresses instead of depending on specific
- addresses.
- Note that contract names are limited to 32 bytes, UTF8 strings to optimize gas costs
- */
- contract ContractRegistry is IContractRegistry, Owned {
- mapping (bytes32 => address) addresses;
- event AddressUpdate(bytes32 indexed _contractName, address _contractAddress);
- /**
- @dev constructor
- */
- function ContractRegistry() public {
- }
- /**
- @dev returns the address associated with the given contract name
- @param _contractName contract name
- @return contract address
- */
- function getAddress(bytes32 _contractName) public view returns (address) {
- return addresses[_contractName];
- }
- /**
- @dev registers a new address for the contract name
- @param _contractName contract name
- @param _contractAddress contract address
- */
- function registerAddress(bytes32 _contractName, address _contractAddress) public ownerOnly {
- require(_contractName.length > 0); // validating input
- addresses[_contractName] = _contractAddress;
- emit AddressUpdate(_contractName, _contractAddress);
- }
- }
Contract sourced from Etherscan. Solidity version v0.4.21+commit.dfe3193c
Panoramix decompilation
# Palkeoramix decompiler. def storage: owner is address at storage 0 newOwner is address at storage 1 address is mapping of address at storage 2 def getAddress(bytes32 id): # not payable return address[id] def owner(): # not payable return owner def newOwner(): # not payable return newOwner # # Regular functions # def _fallback(?) payable: # default function revert def transferOwnership(address newOwner): # not payable require owner == caller require owner != newOwner newOwner = newOwner def acceptOwnership(): # not payable require newOwner == caller log OwnerUpdate( address _prevOwner=owner, address _newOwner=newOwner) owner = newOwner newOwner = 0 def registerAddress(bytes32 _contractName, address _contractAddress): # not payable require owner == caller address[_contractName] = _contractAddress log AddressUpdate( bytes32 _contractName=_contractAddress, address _contractAddress=_contractName)
Decompilation generated by Panoramix.
Raw bytecode